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Advertiser Deals bring you the best customer-focused deals available each week. It’s the local marketplace to buy and share the best things to do in your city. We offer the best things to do, to see, eat and buy at prices of up to 90% off the recommended retail price.

Here's what some of the Merchants who have run an Advertiser Deals promotion have had to say about the experience:

"We decided to do a deal with the Galway Advertiser in January 2013 and were delighted with the response. It sold out within 48 hours and it definitely attracted new customers." - Colm McDonagh

Lane Studios Photography
“Very successful promotion with Advertiser Deals. We were delighted with the response and we found it to be an excellent opportunity to up sell our portraiture & framing. Highly recommended.” - Gerry O'Gorman

“We sold almost 170 packages of swimming passes which was a great boost to cashflow and also we were delighted with the promotional aspect of the deal both in the paper and online.” - Ita Burke

City Limits Bowling
“ So why do Advertiser Deals with so many other Deal sites around, what gives it an advantage over the others?
Well, firstly it is local, really local and with 80% of our business coming from within 5 miles of the centre, there is no wasted space. The target is spot on.
Secondly, the link with a newspaper delivers an advert with an offer and relatively speaking it is more cost effective. The Advertiser is a well known brand.
Thirdly, it is measurable directly and the footfall that comes through our doors is clear.
Finally, as a promotion itself it delivers extra value as it delivered us a lots of business at a time of the year when numbers would usually be down.
The combination of strong offer, local partner and the correct medium is what gives this site its edge” - John O'Boyle

If you would like to see a business featured on our website then email us at, we will be very grateful to you for your suggestion and explore the possibility of partnering with that business.

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